Author: rorymiackiei

I’m Rory Miackiei from US, having five years of experience in jewelry designing. Not getting any ideas about wedding rings? This way you can gift your better half her dream engagement rings, without having to burn a hole in your pocket. If you are still confused, check out the huge collection of gold and rose gold wedding rings at Glamira.

A Wonderful Choice To Have a Gold Engagement Ring  

Choosing a beautiful engagement ring is not a simple task, as before buying it is crucial to recognize the quality aspects and type of the ring’s metal. These days, the famous metals for such rings are platinum and gold. The major drawback of platinum rings is its price that may sometimes be much higher than gold engagement rings. Even, it can be tough to work on platinum metal, and some jewelers don’t have the handy equipment, in the case that you wish to get resized your ring.

Indeed, gold wedding rings are sentimental and valuable while being stunning and beautiful. Usual gold rings were yellow but these days many people are buying white gold rings as these rings are simple, elegant and contemporary.

Gold wedding rings are a sign of a person’s commitment, love, and affection. They are the best friend of a girl and will last evermore. Being provided a ring of gold indicates how special you are to someone.

When selecting a suitable ring for your partner, think about some important factors such as the ring size and the stone you want to have in the middle of it. In case you are not conscious of the ring size, you can find the correct size with the assistance of provided tables on different online stores.

Gems are rated according to the four essential measures even identified as the “four Cs” – cut, color, carat, and clarity. The color choice is personal, and the costing also depends on the available budget. Some gems or stones are not very clear in look, with some opaqueness and lines. Normally, the clarity of the gemstone, the more expenses it is. If it comes to carat, then it is the stone’s weight while the cut is how brilliantly the stone is shaped. Wedding rings that available with a good carat rating are somewhat costlier.

Today, rose gold engagement rings are even getting popularity in the market. Some other metals are even added to pure gold that is yellow in the shade, to provide a white color coat to it. This type of ring loses its polish thus needs to be refined timely. Both of the metals have their prospective drawbacks, but both are very fine-looking. On the whole, a beautiful gold ring is a good purchase regarding quality and pricing. With such a great selection of styles on the market, you are assured to find the best piece for your special one.


How To Find Best Diamond Engagement Rings?

The shining diamond is a different form of dark carbon. It is measured to be the stone’s queen. It is famous for its perfect nature. Before buying a diamond, you should have complete knowledge of 4C’s that comprises clarity, carat, color, and cut. These crucial aspects assist you to decide the diamond’s value.

Beautiful Engagement rings

All we know that engagement ring is measured as treasured and valuable jewelry piece. It is a sign of your true love, and so couples want beautiful engagement rings. These diamond engagement rings must be selected with extreme care so that the ring can make happy the receiver for entire life. There are different types of diamond engagement rings available in the market like vintage, solitaire, three stone rings and more. But the greatest way to show your love is by getting a beautiful diamond ring with similar bands.

Diamond engagement rings and bands

Purchasing a wedding band with the ring will prove your dedication and commitment to go throughout the wedding. You can suppose that it is not crucial, but for your partner, it would be everything. Buying a set is a perfect idea as you can save money too. In any case, you don’t want to purchase a diamond, and then you can even choose emerald engagement rings, which is all time favorite.

How to select best engagement ring

Before buying your best engagement ring, you have to think about preferences and taste of your girl. Here are some important points that will assist you in searching the best ring.


If you want to purchase the best ring for your girl, you should check her tastes. Possibly, she likes contemporary or traditional. According to her choice, you can get different designs/styles in sapphire engagement rings. Don’t forget about the cut, as it is even important. Round shape diamonds are famous. If comes to cut you have to think about her hand’s size. In case she has small hands, a bold style and wide band will make her hand look small in size.


You can get different color choices in your engagement rings. To select the best one that will match her you can check the jewelry type she wears. White gold, yellow gold, and silver are the famous metals of a diamond ring. Even you have to confirm that if she has any skin problem to any specific metals. But in case you haven’t any idea then you can choose a diamond engagement ring.


Want to Purchase the Best Wedding Ring?  

Are you searching a beautiful wedding ring? Do you want to purchase a wedding ring you and you’re beloved wish to wear as a representation of your endless love? Sometimes, it is complicated to find a perfect ring. So is there any method that helps you to find a perfect wedding/engagement ring?

Of course, with some careful research online you can easily find a best and beautiful wedding ring. The ring is a circle that symbolizes agreement, infinity, rebirth, harmony, and the universe. Earlier the ring was associated with the Moon and Sun. It was supposed that a ring would protect and was a supernatural guard, so to ward off all unconstructiveness through its stability. Rings were measured to be sacred and magical. Goddesses and God even wore rings like in the Babylonian myths with ring’s tales of Marduk and Shamash. Even now, the wedding rings are supposed to hold a type of power which can be noticed when a minister or priest blesses the wedding rings earlier than the couple exchanges them. This type of practice represents protective powers over their union or marriage.

Obviously, you want to know why a ring is worn on the “ring finger.” Well, it also comes from olden days; you can search more about this online. Here we want to help you to choose best wedding rings. So, to choose a ring for your love you have to decide what material is best. wedding bands and rings are designed from different materials like white gold, yellow gold, platinum, titanium and sterling silver. It is your choice which type of material you want for your ring.

For your kind information, still yellow gold is one of the most famous materials for engagement rings, wedding rings, and bands. Though, white gold is turning into somewhat more popular as it tends to appear a tad more stylish and modern.

You should remember that wedding ring is an essential part of your ceremony because, from olden days, it is not just a ring, but it was used as a union and promise between couples. Therefore, now it is the best time for you to select your beautiful wedding rings. Choose a ring carefully which will not just represent your devotion and love for one another but even survive time and last long, as your true love for each other.